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Wire and Cable Handling Equipment

We provide end to end service and repair for your cut lines: Payout to Counter to Take-up. We also provide counter calibration and adjustment to make sure your cut cable and wire lengths are accurate.
In addition, we will service your wrapping, coilers, strippers and twisters.
Building Maintenance
Dock doors, levelers, seals, shelters, shelving, conveyors, and more...

IMS is capable of working on almost everything in your warehouse. We work on hand trucks, push carts, pick carts, and platforms. We will install or provide PM for dock doors, levelers, seals or shelters If you are using it and someone else built it, we feel sure we can repair it. We will repair, replace or move exhaust fans to maximize performance. IMS will work on existing electrical only. We do not provide HVAC or Electrical Installations.
Share your list of needs or issues and they will be handled by us. If for some reason IMS cannot handle a job, we can refer you to someone who can.
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